Khamis baru-baru ni 4 Februari saya telah dihubungi oleh pihak Yaesu yang mengatakan 3 model Yaesu telahpun sampai ke Malaysia. 3 model berkenaan adalah FT2900, FT7900 dan FT270 yang akan dihantar ke Kramat untuk diuji.
Mengikut perjanjian asal dengan Yaesu model-model berkenaan akan diserahkan kepada Koperasi Kramat untuk diuji sebelum dihantar ke SIRIM.
Walaupun kita semua telah menunggu sekian lama, namun sebenarnya ini adalah proses biasa kerana pihak Yaesu perlu mendapatkan AP terlebih dahulu untuk membawa masuk 3 mdoel berkenaan ke Malaysia untuk diuji.
Semua ahli-ahli koperasi diharap bersabar dan sedikit masa lagi kita akan sama-sama menjayakan apa yang telah kita rancang selama ini.
Mana-mana rakan yang berminat bolehlah berkunjung ke koperasi untuk melihat dan menguji model berkenaan apabila telah dimaklumkan dalam masa yang terdekat ini. Dibawah ini saya pastekan 3 model berkenaan yang telahpun ada didalam website Yaesu sebagai rujukan untuk semua.

FT7900 Features
High Power Output
Boasting a big 50 Watts of power output on 144 MHz, and 40 Watts on 430 MHz, the FT-7900R also includes provision for three lower power levels, so you never have to use more power than you really need. The power level is stored in regular and Hyper Memory registers, too
Wide Receiver Frequency Coverage, coverage from 108 to 520 MHz, and 700 to 999.99 MHz (cellular blocked), so you have available a wide range of monitoring excitement, including AM Aircraft, Public Safety, Government, Business, and, of course, Amateur communications. The synthesizer steps appropriate for the operating band are automatically selected, too!
Large LCD Display
Five front panel keys allow complete transceiver configuration status to be stored for convenient one-touch recall. So you can set up favorite frequencies in each operating band, including the receive-only bands, and then recall them with a single touch of a button!
Over 1000 Memory Channels
The FT-7900R’s incredible memory channel capacity includes registers for over 1000 channels, each capable of storing a 6-character Alpha-Numeric label. And the memories may be stored in any of the 20 available memory groups; a particular memory channel may also be stored in multiple groups, if desired.
YSK-7800 Remote Mounting Kit (option)
Using the optional YSK-7800 Separation Kit, which contains both cabling and a bracket for the remote front panel, you can mount the FT-7900R’s front panel on the vehicle’s dash board, then stow the radio’s body under the seat or in some other convenient, out-of-the-way location. The cables are approximately 20 feet (6 m) in length.
WiRES™ Internet Linking Capability
The FT-7900R’s DTMF signaling capability includes provision for easy access to Yaesu’s WiRES™ (Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System) Internet linking nodes, as well as other linking systems that require a DTMF string for access.

Large LCD Display
The large 6 digit backlit LCD on the FT-2900R ensure excellent visibility
Loud Audio with Internal Speaker
The FT-2900R packs 3W BIG watts of Loud Audio with its own Internal Speaker for those noisy environments.
Excellent Receiver Performance
The FT-2900R’s receiver front end features Yaesu’s renowned Advanced Track Tuning RF input filtering, which affords outstanding protection from Intermodulation distortion.
CTCSS and DCS Encode/Decode Built In
For easy repeater access, or silent monitoring of busy channels, both CTCSS and DCS (Digital Code Squelch) Encoder/Decoder circuits are built in. CTCSS and DCS configuration data may be stored independently in each memory channel. A “Split Tone” mode also allows operation on systems where CTCSS and DCS are used separately on the repeater uplink/downlink.
Extensive Memory System
The FT-2900R provides a total of 221 memory channels, including 200 “regular” memories, ten pairs of band-limit memories, and an instant-recall “Home” channel you can dedicate to a frequently-used repeater or simplex frequency. Memories can store repeater shift information, CTCSS/DCS data, power output level, scanning status (“Skip”), and Alpha-Numeric labels.
Alpha-Numeric Channel Display
Memory channels may be displayed either with the channel frequency or a personalized Alpha-Numeric label, for easy channel recognition. Up to six letters, characters, or numbers may be used for labeling channels.
WIRES Internet Linking Access Feature
The FT-2900R includes a conveniently-located “Internet” key, for quick access to Internet-linked repeater systems. Internet repeater linking allows you to use your FT-2800M to talk to other Amateurs throughout the world, with outstanding voice signal quality. The “Internet” key may be configured to send either a single DTMF digit, or a DTMF string, for operation on a WIRES™ (Wide-Coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System) repeater, or on other Internet-linked repeaters using DTMF tone access. For more information on WIRES™, please visit our Web site (, or send an e-mail to
WX Channels with
A special 10-channel Weather Band memory bank is provided in the U.S. version, allowing quick access to NOAA weather broadcasts. When the 1050-Hz “Severe Weather” alert tone is transmitted, the FT-2900R may be configured to emit an alarm tone to get your attention quickly. With the “Weather Alert” feature enabled, the FT-2800M will scan the ten Weather memories, stopping only if the 1050-Hz tone is received.
MH-48A6J DTMF Direct Access Microphone
The backlit MH-48A6J microphone allows direct keypad frequency entry, or keypad memory channel recall. On transmit, the MH-48A6J allows manual entry of DTMF tones for autopatch use, and the FT-2900R also includes a nine-memory, 16-digit DTMF Autodialer. Four user-programmable “soft” keys on the microphone may be programmed for easy control of a number of different features, and the [A]/[B]/[C]/[D] keys replicate the functions of the keys on the front panel of the transceiver, for maximum convenience while driving.

FT270 Features
5 Watts Output
Large Backlit LCD Display
(submersion for up to 30 minutes at a depth of one meter).
Outstanding Receiver Audio 800 mW of audio
1400 mAh Battery Pack Yields Long Operating Time
Power Saving Circuit Design
Expanded Receiver Coverage The receiver's frequency range is 136-174 MHz
User Password
200 Memory Channels
Keyboard Frequency Entry
Weather Broadcast Channels
EAI (Emergency Automatic ID) Feature
Ideal for search-and-rescue work, the EAI feature can be commanded on so as to identify your FT-270R, and engage your PTT and microphone, remotely in an emergency situation. So if you don't check in during a search, help can be dispatched, with the automatic TX function allowing others to perform direction finding.
Split Tone Capability
Besides the usual CTCSS and DCS Encode/Decode features you've come to know and love on a Yaesu transceiver, the FT-270R includes a "Split Tone" capability that allows you to Encode a CTCSS tone, and Decode DCS, or vice-versa. You can also Encode (without decoding) either CTCSS or DCS.
Other Features:
- Enhanced Paging and Code Squelch
- Automatic Repeater Shift
- Memory-Only operating
- Scanning Mode: VFO / Memory / PMS / Dual Watch
- Nine DTMF Auto-dialer memories
- Two Front Panel programmable keys
- Keypad/Dial Lockout capability
- RF Squelch
- Battery Voltage Display
- TX Deviation Level (5 kHz or 2.5 kHz)
- Transmit Time-out Timer and Automatic Power-Off
- Busy Channel Lock-out
- ARTS (Auto-range Transponding System) that "beeps" the user when you move out of communications range
what about FT-8900R & VX-8DR ?
ReplyDeleteTahniah Keramat. Keep it up